
Everyone deserves a professional-looking resume

Resume Mentor began with the idea of democratizing resume creation, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to craft an amazing resume and land their dream job..

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Our Mission

We help you reach your career goals without worrying about whether or not your resume is good enough.

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3 243 102

Resumes Created

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2 032 437

Cover Letters Written

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12 031

Active daily Resume Mentees

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9 201 286

Bullets Points generated by AI

Silvia Angeloro

Executive Coaching

Meet Silvia, our editor-in-chief and a professional career coach.

Here’s what she has to say about herself…

Driven by a deep commitment to kindness, inclusion, equality, and diversity, I am passionate about fostering environments where everyone feels valued and respected. As an ardent environmentalist, I advocate for sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

Proficient in seven languages, I have a keen interest in linguistics, and I am enthusiastic about the intricacies of neuroscience and quantum physics. My insatiable curiosity fuels my continuous learning and personal growth. Professionally, I specialize in executive coaching, entrepreneurship education and coaching, and higher education leadership and innovation, guiding individuals and organizations toward achieving their highest potential.

Fun fact: (aka let me brag for a second) Prof. Noam Chomsky supervised my Master's thesis, in which I analyzed the profound impact specific words can have across various contexts—whether in interviews, presentations, casual conversations with supervisors, direct reports, or networking situations. This experience further equips me as a coach, enabling me to elevate my clients to an exceptional level of preparation.

My clients often describe me as their biggest cheerleader, empowering them to believe in their limitless potential. I not only provide top-tier technical preparation but also stay relentlessly updated on the latest trends in recruiting, the job market, and career progression. Ultimately, the key to success lies in visualizing it first—seeing it in your mind to bring it into reality. #truequantumphysicstory

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Hey everyone—

We're the founders of Resume Mentor.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) get a bad rap, but they shouldn’t. ATS is just a sorting system, not a gatekeeper. It feels great to have a resume that speaks to recruiters. A professional, tailored resume that highlights your unique skills and experiences. That’s how resumes should feel all the time.

But things changed.

You started hearing that ATS automatically rejects applicants. You worried more about keywords than showcasing your talents. An avalanche of advice about “beating the bots” cluttered everything up. And many resume services just let it happen.

Now, creating a resume feels like a chore, rather than an opportunity. Something you stress over. Something you keyword stuff, not personalize. Rather than express yourself, you try to game the system.

And yet, a resume remains a wonder. Thanks to resumes, people across industries, continents, countries, cities, and communities get jobs every day. It’s a personal brand statement. It’s simple. It makes it easy for you to showcase your talents, and for recruiters to find the perfect match.

So good news, the magic’s still there. It’s just obscured—buried under a mess of misconceptions and neglect. Some from people, some from myths, a lot from misinformation.

Resumes deserve a dust off. A renovation. Modernized for the way we job hunt today.

With Resume Mentor, we’ve done just that. It’s a redo, a rethink, a simplified, potent reintroduction of the resume. A fresh start, the way it should be.

Resume Mentor is our love letter to your career, and we’re here to help you shine.

Warm regards,

Resume Mentor' founding team